About The EO Index

We believe that employee ownership increases employee engagement and work satisfaction helps improve individual and company performance whilst creating workplaces that are more diverse, inclusive and sustainable.

International analysis has highlighted that when ownership and participative management are combined, substantial business gains result. However, in Australia the evidence has been a bit thin on the ground… until now.

Do companies with Employee Ownership (EO) outperform their peers? 

As the below infographic shows, employee share ownership helps create financial and social benefits in Australia.

When compared to their ASX200 counterparts, companies with employee ownership showed substantial gains in month-by-month performance, were more likely to have better ESG standards and had a share-price performance that was 17 basis point higher over a five and a half year period.


EOA is a not-for-profit member-based organisation that has funded the development of this index independent of government or other external support.

Our research shows that responsible investors looking to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance should consult our Employee Ownership Index to find high-performing companies to invest in.

Members of EOA can download our research to find out how employee share schemes in Australia can be linked with employee well being, and the degree to which this is a cause or a coincidence.

You can download our PowerPoint presentation and outcome summary by Corporate Analysis Enhanced Responsibility (CAER) through contributing $50 towards EOA research costs. Members get the reports for free via a member-only newsletter. 

To access the CAER Report and Presentation please get in touch by emailing info@employeeownership.com.au

Find out more about the Australian Ownership Index – read the interview with Angela Perry.

You can download a PDF of the Employee Ownership Index Infographic Here.

You can find the EOA media release here: 2017 Employment Ownership Index Media Release 


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